Monday, August 18, 2014

Harvest Monday August 18, 2014

I have only been gardening for 3 years. Here is a picture of my first garden.

Yep. That was it. 3 four by four squares of soil. Wow, how times have changed. Here are a couple of pictures of it now.

I am grateful for all the posts people write for Harvest Mondays. I kept trying because of all those posts. Thank you to every person who has posted a Harvest Monday post. I read your posts and they have inspired me. And to Daphne, thank you for hosting it all these years.

Strawberries on the vine

A representative harvest basket from this week.

okra, green beans, strawberries, and lima beans in the harvest

Linking with Daphne's Dandelions Harvest Monday.


  1. Good work over the years, Cristy. We're always learning and expanding and having ever so much fun doing so.

    1. You are so right, Beth. It's always a learning experience, and, Oh, so much fun to learn it. :)

  2. I've been gardening for close to 40 years and I'm still learning. And I have learned a lot from reading other folks blogs.

    1. Yay for still learning after 40 years! Your blog is one of the ones I learn so much from.

  3. I love that wall of beans. That is just so pretty. And like Dave I'm still learning too. You never stop. Interestingly enough I get a lot of help from my commenters too. The first year I was at this house and having rot trouble in my onions, someone told me it was probably onion maggots. I didn't have that trouble at my last house. This year the maggots were totally foiled and my onions have never looked nicer. Now if someone could figure out my asparagus problems. . . Well nothing is perfect.

    1. Daphne, I love that wall of beans, too. Someone posted a "jungle" the first year I gardened. I never thought I would see that in my yard, but it is like a jungle. I love it.

  4. Nice wall of beans and you have done so well. It is great to learn from other people's blogs. There is always so much more to learn. Nancy
